Two less than vague vagabonds view a world through a lens. This world takes control. Not only are the experiences vicarious, they exude a life outside of conjured, imaginable realms. The moments we’ve endured have stretched our bearable fibers of sanity. We critique with the same minute lens given to us. From loving, hating, laughing and emulating our favorite actors, movies and lines throughout the years a sudden bang! occurred. And then it happened… Big Brother, This is Little Sister.


X-Men: The Last Stand… for Racism? Debugging Dialogue

“Last Stand” is a marvelous display in comic capers (no shit, Sherlock!). Wolverine, Storm, Prof. X, Magneto, Pyro and many more X-Men are back in the third installment. Where “Last Stand” lets up in action, it exposes human, er, mutant truths that tell a story of the past. The struggle of control, more so the right to be, between humans and those inferior is the core of “Last Stand”. The action heightens seldom as the X-Men use more diplomatic endeavors by talking it out. The stars are brightly cast and not to mention the most poignant dialogue written about racial tensions since “Crash”. “Last Stand” challenges the viewer to channel aggression towards sustainable approaches. Yet, it’s a slight contradiction because the mutants are freaks of nature and friction inevitably ensues (mind you a clever way to include both drama and action). Battles aside, the war against rights still rages. “Last Stand” provides hope in that the slogan eracism will actually be erased. I was left enthralled, asking ‘Where would we (as a culture) be without “Last Stand”?’ As the chinks of superiority continue to rub off year after year, “Last Stand” takes a stand assertively as we roll through the 21st century. Not to mention it’s good for the kids too!

Debugging the Cast & Dialogue
To start off: Professor X = Dr. King; Magneto = Malcolm X. The cure = selling out, indoctrinate peoples. Mutants vs. humans = slaves (blacks for the most part) vs. whiteys. Professor X pulls aside Storm and hands her over the head position when he’s gone. Affirmative action anyone? Magneto’s “Join the Brotherhood” slogan sounds like Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
Storm claims, “Since when did we become a disease?” Well, since you were slaves and uncivilized.
Professor X calmly reverberates, “Whose outcome will change our world so greatly… there will be no going back. I do not know if victory is possible. I only know that great sacrifice will be required. And because the fate of many depend on a few, we must make the last stand.” Underdogs, ethnics, need to get the eracism ball rolling and it will take many a-sacrifices and even generations. The future is uncertain so one must be headstrong and progress undoubtedly towards the goal. So take the last stand against racism b/c you and those like you along with everyone matter.
Mystique is asked, “Raven, Raven, I asked you a question.” She responds understandably, “I don’t answer to my slave name!” People don’t answer to their slave names or their Christianized names.
Beast responds to Wolverine, “My boy, I was fighting for mutant rights before you had claws.” Wolverine claws, “Did he just call me “boy”?” Yes, Wolverine he did call you “boy”. He’s an old school southerner who was called boy so much it was ingrained. He can’t help it. He may, in fact, be one of the slaves who never left the south b/c of his dependence on the masters.
Magneto waxes profoundly, “They wish to cure us. But I say, we are the cure.” Yes, Magneto, there is no cure for inferiority; inferiority is the cure for inferiority.
“Charles always wanted to build bridges.” Of course Malcolm, Dr. King was peaceful unlike you.
“Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you will ever know.” You know the history of Dr. King and if not, wait until February and then you can learn all you want for 28 days.
“Plastic, they’ve learned.” Overt racism like slavery cannot fly in today’s world. You’ve got to adapt your racism tactics.
“My single greatest regret is that he had to die for our dream to live.” Usually this has to happen – a death of a “leader” ignites passion. This idea goes back to JC himself.
“By any means necessary.” Enough said.
“Traitors to their own cause.” Uncle Tom, Clearance Thomas, Oprah, you get the picture.
“In chess, the pawns go first.” True, blacks & Hispanics within the army are usually the first line.
“Im…” Wolverine adds, “One of them” as Magneto is now human. To err is to be human. To have thought or used double standards is possible.
“Humans and their guns.” Capitalism is a powerful weapon that has widened the gap and handicapped peoples of all ethnicities.


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